Monday 5 September 2011


Agra • Mathura • G.Noida •  N.Delhi



Total Questions


Total Time
70 Minutes



The duration of the test is 70 minutes and comprises of 40 questions.

All questions have multiple answer choices, and the correct answer has to be selected & marked in the objective answer sheet (OAS) supplied to you separately.

You are advised to work as rapidly as you can without losing accuracy. Do not spend too much time on questions that are too difficult for you. Go on to the other questions and come back (revisit) the difficult ones later when time permits.

Do not make wild guesses while attempting the questions. One mark will be deducted for every three wrong answers i.e. you will loose 0.33 marks for each wrong answer marked on the OAS..

 For rough work, use a separate blank sheet provided with the OAS, use this sheet only for rough work.

For marking the answer, BLACKEN THE LETTERED CIRCLE IN THE OAS OPPOSITE THE QUESTION NUMBER WHICH YOU THINK TO BE THE CORRECT ANSWER CHOICE. USE DARK “HB” OR “2B” PENCILS FOR DARKENING THE CIRCLE. Mark only one answer to each question. No credit is given for multiple answers. If you want to change an answer, erase the previous mark completely & blacken the new option. Do not be concerned if your answer sheet provides spaces for more options than are provided in the Question.

Q.4.     Which city is the capital of France.
(a)    Rome (b) Paris (c) London (d) Tokyo
OAS:   Correct Sample Answers                               Improper & wrong ways/ answers    
            (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)        (e)                    (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)        (e)
Q.3.                                                                                          ü
Fill in your OAS with Name etc. & keep ready for START.

You have to START WHEN START SIGNAL IS GIVEN & deposit back the OAS & Question paper on STOP CALL. Put the OAS (Answer sheet) in the question paper and return.


Q1. A tank is filled with water. In first hour, 10 litres are filled, in second hour 20 litres, and in the third hour 40 liters and so on. Time taken to fill ¼ of the tank is 5 hours. What is the total time taken to fill up the tank?
a) 5                              b) 8                              c) 7                              d) 12.5                         e) None of these

Q2. In a shopping mall with a staff of 5 members the average age of the five members is 45 years. After 5 years, a person joined them and the average age remains the same. What is the age of the sixth person?
a) 25                            b) 20                            c) 45                           d) 30                           e) None of these
Q3. sin2Acot2A + cos2Atan2A =?
a) -1                             b) 0                              c) 3                             d) 1                             e) None of these
Q4)  A lady builds 9cm length, 10cm width and 3cm height box using 1 cubic cm cubes. What is the minimum number of cubes required to build the box?
a) 730                          b) 270                          c) 720                          d) 310                          e) None of these

Q5)  A pizza shop made pizzas with many flavors. There are nine different flavors, in that two flavors are taken to make pizza. In how many ways they can arrange the flavours?
a) 16                            b) 26                            c) 36                            d) 46                            e) None of these          

Q6) Find the missing term in the following series:   5, 9, 12, 18, 26, 36, 47, 72, _?
a) 75                            b) 135                          c) 100                          d) 55                            e) None of these

Q7)  A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet- 14 blue, 20 red, and 18 yellow. The lights are out and it is totally dark. In spite of the darkness, she can make out the difference between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the closet only if she is sure that it is a glove. How many gloves must she take out to make sure she has a yellow colored pair?                                                                                                                  
a) 30                            b) 34                            c) 36                            d) 38                            e) None of these

Q8 A die is rolled and a coin is tossed, find the probability that the die shows an odd number and the coin shows a head?
a)1/2                            b)1/6                            c)1/12                          d)6/10                          e) None of these

Q9)  If you save Rs.1 today, Rs.2 the next day, Rs.3 the succeeding day and so on,what will be your total savings in 365 days?
a) 66579                      b) 66795                      c) 56795                      d) 77965                      e) None of these

Q10)  6 men and 8 women can do a job in 10 days. In how many days can 3 men and 4 women finish the same job working together?
a) 18 days                    b) 20 days                    c) 22 days                    d) 24 days                    e) None of these

Q11)  A horse starts chasing a pony 2 hours after the pony started running. The horse takes 3 hours to reach the pony. If the average speed of the horse is 81Km/hr. Then what is the average speed of the pony?
a) 46.4 km/hr               b) 51 km/hr                  c) 53.4 km/hr               d) 48.6 km/hr              e) None of these

Q12)  The difference between two numbers is 9 and the product is 14.What is the square of their sum?
a) 120                          b) 130                          c) 137                          d) 145                          e) None of these

Q13)  Ferrari S.P.A is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Maranello, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1928 as Scuderia Ferrari, the company sponsored drivers and manufactured race cars before moving into production of street-legal vehicles in 1947 as Ferrari S.P.A. Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One where it has employed great success. Rohit once bought a Ferrari. It could go 4 times as fast as Mohan's old Mercedes. If the speed of Mohan's Mercedes is 35 km/hr and the distance traveled by the Ferrari is 490 km, find the total time taken by Rohit to drive that distance?
a) 20.72 hrs                  b) 3.5 hrs                    c) 13.5 hrs                    d) 6.18 hrs                    e) None of these

Q14)  If a and b are mixed in the ratio 3:5 and b and c are mixed in the ratio 8:5.The final mixture is 35 litres, find the amount of b?
a) 13.34 litres               b) 15.73 litres              c) 16.73 litres              d) 9.45 litres                e) None of these 

Q15)  How many nine digit numbers are possible by using the digits 1, 2,3,4,5 which are divisible by 4 if repetition is allowed?
a) 5^7                          b) 5^6                          c) 5^8                          d) 5^9                         e) None of these

Q16)  The IT giant Tirnop has recently crossed a head count of 150000 and earnings of $7 billion. As one of the forerunners in the technology front, Tirnop continues to lead the way in products and services in India. At Tirnop, all programmers are equal in every respect. They receive identical salaries and also write code at the same rate. Suppose 12 such programmers take 12 minutes to write 12 lines of code in total. How long will it take 72 programmers to write 72 lines of code in total?
a) 6                              b) 12                            c) 18                            d) 72                            e) None of these

Q17) A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 40. For each value of n from 1 to 40, statement n says "At least n of the statements on this sheet are true." Which statements are true and which are false?
a) The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false.
b) The first 26 statements are false and the rest are true.
c) The first 13 statements are true and the rest are false.
d) The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered are false.
e) None of these  

Q18) A sum of Rs. 400 is to be used to give four cash prizes to students of a school for their overall performance. If each prize is Rs. 20 less than its preceding prize, find the value of third prize.             
a) 130                          b) 110                          c) 90                            d) 70                            e) None of these

Q19)  A point A(x, y) divides the segment joining point B(5, -1) and C(-10,4) in the ratio 3:2.Find the value of x and y?                                                                                                                                                                       
a) (-4, 2)                      b) (4, 2)                       c) (2, -4)                      d) (0, 0)                       e) None of these

Q20)  The radius of umbra and penumbra cast by an object on a wall are in the ratio 2:6. What is the area of the penumbra ring around the umbra, if the radius of umbra ring is 40 cms? (use pi=22/7)
a) 44000                      b) 20400                      c) 48000                      d) 14400                      e) None of these

Q21) There are six persons A, B, C, D, E and F.C is the sister of F.B is the brother of E's husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group.
Who is the mother?
a) A                             b) B                            c) D                             d) E                              e) None of these                                                                                  
Q22)  the course of an enemy submarine as plotted on a set of rectangular axes gives the equation 2x+3y=5.On the same axes, the course of destroyer is indicated by x-y=10. The point (x,y) at which the submarine can be destroyed is:
a) -3, 7                         b) 7,-3                         c) -7, 3                         c) 3,-7                          e) None of these

Q23) Two dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability of
A) The sum of the numbers appearing on the top of the dice being 6.
a) 5/36                         b) 1/6                           c ) 1/18                        d) 1/9                           d) None of these
B) The numbers appearing on the top of both dice being same.
a) 5/36                         b) 1/6                           c ) 1/18                        d) 1/9                           d) None of these

Q24). A toy train produces 10 different sounds when it moves around a circular toy track of radius 5 m at 10 m per min. However, the toy train is defective and it now produces only 5 different tunes at random. What are the odds that the train produces consecutive music tones of the same type?
a) 1 in 16                      b) 1 in 4                       c) 1 in 8                        d) 1 in 32                     e) None of these                      
Q25) A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are 21 cm, 24 cm and 28 cm. What will be the area of the square made from the same rope?                                                                                          
a) 280.5625                 b) 333.0625                 c) 333.0125                 d) 400                          e) None of these                      
Q26) A person has to make 146 pieces of a long bar. He takes 4 seconds to cut a piece. What is the total time taken by him in seconds to make 146 pieces?
a) 584                          b) 580                          c) 730                          d) 725                          e) None of these

Q27) If the shadow of a tower is30m when the sun’s altitude is 30°. What is the length of the shadow when the sun’s altitude is 60°?
a) 10√3m                     b) 20m                         c) 10m                        d) 12m                         e) None of these

Q28) A man travels 37 kms towards north, and then turns left and travels 2km.Then he turns right and travels 17kms.He again turns right and travels 2kms. Find the shortest distance between the starting and ending point?
a) 54 km                      b) 27 km                      c) 81 km                      d) 67 km                      e) None of these

Q29) In a building there are 5 rooms, each having equal area .The length of the room is 4m, breadth is 5 m and the height of the rooms is 2m. If 17 bricks are needed to make a square meter then how many bricks are needed to make the floor of a particular room?
a) 320                          b) 380                          c) 340                         d) 300                         e) None of these

Q30)  Astha and Saumya each have certain number of oranges. Astha says to Saumya, “If you give me 10 of your oranges I will have twice the number of oranges left with you”. Saumya replies “If you give me 10 of your oranges I will have the number of oranges as left with you”. The number of oranges left with Ashta and Saumya respectively?
a) 60,40                       b) 70,50                       c) 60,80                       d) 70,90                       e) None of these

Q31)   Alice and Bob play the following coins-on-a-stack game. 20 coins are stacked one above the other. One of them is a special (gold) coin and the rest are ordinary coins. The goal is to bring the gold coin to the top by repeatedly moving the topmost coin to another position in the stack.                                                          Alice starts and the players take turns. A turn consists of moving the coin on the top to a position i below the top coin (0 = i = 20). We will call this an i-move (thus a 0-move implies doing nothing). The proviso is that an i-move cannot be repeated; for example once a player makes a 2-move, on subsequent turns neither player can make a 2-move. If the gold coin happens to be on top when it's a player's turn then the player wins the game. Initially, the gold coin is the third coin from the top. Then                                                                                                            
a) In order to win, Alice's first move should be a 1-move.
b) In order to win, Alice's first move should be a 0-move.
c) In order to win, Alice's first move can be a 0-move or a 1-move.
d) Alice has no winning strategy.

Q32) A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting next to B, C is sitting next to D, D is not sitting with E who is on the left end of the bench. C is on the second position from the right. A is to the right of B and E. A and C are sitting together. In which position is A sitting?
a) Between B & D                                            b) Between B & C                                           c) Between E & D
d) Between C & E                                            e) None of these

Q33)  Entry ticket to an exhibition ranges from 1p to 31p. You need to provide exact change at the counter. You have 31p coin. In how many parts will you divide 31p so that you     will provide the exact change required and carry as less coins as possible?
a) 22                            b) 31                            c) 6                              d) 32                            e) None of these

Q34)  Read the following statements and answer the questions that follow:
I There are six students (A, B, C, D, E and F) in a group. Each student can opt for only three choices out the six which are music, reading, painting, badminton, cricket and tennis.
II      A, C and F like reading.
III    D does not like badminton but likes music.
IV    Both B and E like painting and music.
V      A and D do not like painting, but they like cricket.
VI    All students except one like badminton.
VII   Two students like tennis.
VIII F does not like cricket, music or tennis.

Which pair of students has the same combination of choices?
 a. A and C                     b. C and D                 c. B and E                    d. D and F                   e) None of these                                                                                              
Q35) John buys a cycle for 31 dollars and gave a cheque of amount 35 dollars. Shop Keeper exchanged the cheque with his neighbor and gave the change to John. After 2 days, it is known that the cheque bounced. Shop keeper paid the amount to his neighbor. The cost price of the cycle is 19 dollars. What is the profit or loss for shop keeper?
a) $ 25                         b) $23                          c) $26                          d) $ 22                         e) None of these

Directions for Q36 to Q40: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The pioneers of the teaching of science imagined that its introduction into education would remove the conventionality, artificiality, and backward-looking ness, which were characteristic; of classical studies, but they were gravely disappointed. So, too, in their time had the humanists thought that the study of the classical authors in the original would banish at once the dull pedantry and superstition of mediaeval scholasticism. The professional schoolmaster was a match for both of them, and has almost managed to make the understanding of chemical reactions as dull and as dogmatic an affair as the reading of Virgil's Aeneid. The chief claim for the use of science in education is that it teaches a child something about the actual universe in which he is living, in making him acquainted with the results of scientific discovery, and at the same time teaches him how to think logically and inductively by studying scientific method. A certain limited success has reached in the first of these aims, but practically none at all in the second. Those privileged members of the community who have been through a secondary or public school education may be expected to know something about the elementary physics and chemistry of a hundred years ago, but they probably know hardly more than any bright boy can pick up from an interest in wireless or scientific hobbies out of school hours. As to the learning of scientific method, the whole thing is palpably a farce.
Actually, for the convenience of teachers and the requirements of the examination system, it is necessary that the pupils not only do not learn scientific method but learn precisely the reverse, that is, to believe exactly what they are told and to reproduce it when asked, whether it seems nonsense to them or not. The way in which educated people respond to such quackeries as spiritualism or astrology, not to say more dangerous ones such as racial theories or currency myths, shows that fifty years of education in the method of science in Britain or Germany has produced no visible effect whatever. The only way of learning the method of science is the long and bitter way of personal experience, and, until the educational or social systems are altered to make this possible, the best we can expect is the production of a minority of people who are able to acquire some of the techniques of science and a still smaller minority who are able to use and develop them.

Q36) The author implies that the 'professional schoolmaster' has

a. no interest in teaching science                                b. thwarted attempts to enliven education
c. aided true learning                                                   d. supported the humanists
e. been a pioneer in both science and humanities.

Q37) The author’s attitude to secondary and public school education in the sciences is

a. ambivalent.                                                               b. neutral
c. supportive                                                                 d. satirical
e. contemptuous

Q38) The word ‘palpably’ in the passage most nearly means

a. empirically                                                                 b. obviously
c. tentatively                                                                  d. markedly
e. ridiculously

Q39) The author blames all of the following for the failure to impart scientific method through the education system except

a. poor teaching                                                              b. examination methods
c. lack of direct experience                                            d. the social and education systems
e. lack of interest on the part of students

Q40) If the author were to study current education in science to see how things have changed since he wrote the piece, he would probably be most interested in the answer to which of the following questions?

a. Do students know more about the world about them? 
b. Do students spend more time in laboratories?
c. Can students apply their knowledge logically?         
 d. Have textbooks improved?
e. Do they respect their teachers?


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